Create an integrated teacher dashboard for the web version of GameSalad Creatorto make classroom management easy for teachers.
My Role
UI/UX Designer
2 Months
Primary Tools
First Steps: Research & Planning
I researched the teacher dashboards of competitors (Tynker, CodeHS, Scratch) and surveyed teachers currently using GameSalad in their classrooms to get ideas of what the required functionality would be and how others present it.
Target Users
Teachers using GameSalad in their classrooms.
Research Methods
Research online
Info collected from support messages
Other teacher dashboards had similar baseline functionality for classroom management and varied ideas on how to best represent student progress to teachers/parents.
Teachers were frustrated with the current lack of easy tools for classroom management, and had a high request rate for Google single sign-on as an option for students creating accounts/joining classes.
Teachers wanted a way for students to view and follow assignments/tutorials while using GameSalad Creator, instead of having to print tutorials or have students navigate multiple browser tabs.
The Plan
Create an integrated dashboard that allows for easy classroom management for teachers, and add functionality to Creator that allows students to see and complete assignments without leaving the app.
Screens & Visual Identity
Visual Identity
We went with Roboto as the typeface due to it being a fairly neutral workhorse that’s legible at smaller sizes.
For colors, the goal was to differentiate the teacher dashboard portion of the interface from the Creator portion (purple colors), so we went with some blues.
Click on the screens below to view them at a larger size.